Materials Recovery Facility
ECCO’S building currently houses a Materials Recovery Facility (MRF). This facility is dedicated to sorting through recyclable materials, separating cardboard, plastics, cans, and other recyclable items. Sorted materials are then channeled to other facilities and recycled into new products.
The Construction and Demolition (C&D) MRF is designed to:
Receive mixed loads of Construction & Demolition waste materials, generated from off-site sources or reclaimed from the landfill, sort materials for recycling OR process materials for production of Low-Carbon Fuel (LCF) and transport to end users; and,
Produce wood chips for use as animal bedding or landscape mulch and for use as fuel in boiler systems to provide heat to more than one building at the facility.
The project envisions the existing MRF being upgraded to enable processing C&D materials reclaimed from the landfill into LCF as well as unrecyclable plastics received from other offsite recycling facilities. The equipment in the existing building will be retrofitted to more efficiently process C&D materials into LCF. Unrecyclable materials from the new building will be conveyed into the existing building for further grinding and blending into LCF.